The following is a guest post by Margaret Wood, Legal Reference Specialist in our Public Services Division. She has previously posted on Law Day, the start of a new Congress, the debt ceiling legislation, and the relocation of state collections. Since our posts in March on the relocation of some general and state collections, we have completed additional work …
This week’s interview is with Robert Newlen. He is the Assistant Law Librarian for Collections, Outreach, and Services. Robert is an active participant on our blog. He reviews items before posting. Robert has been extremely busy leading up to this week coordinating the Wickersham Award Ceremony. Describe your background. I am a …
The following is a guest post by Roberta I. Shaffer, Law Librarian of Congress. Roberta has posted to the blog on multiple occasions including: Happy Old Year, The Law Library of Congress Strategic Plan Released, and My Trip to the Future. Another year has passed and I am pleased once again to send you great cheer and …
This week’s Pic of the Week is from Stephanie Rocío Miles, also known as the Bilingual Librarian. Stephanie recently visited the Law Library of Congress and blogged about her experience. She included several pictures from our bigger than a football field size stacks. She graciously allowed me to use my favorite for today’s Pic of the …
Thanks for visiting In Custodia Legis in June! Our page views went up from May, our email subscribers surpassed 14,500, and we posted our 250th item. Christine talked about Congressional apps for a variety of mobile devices, which was our most popular post. I blogged about our latest tweaks to THOMAS. Somehow we even managed …
The following is a guest post by Jean Marie Layton, Part-time Contractor in the Office of Collections, Outreach, and Services. William C. Burton received the Blackstone Award at the Friends of the Law Library of Congress Wickersham Awards Ceremony on June 13, 2011. I was fortunate to attend the gathering at which the Honorable Justice John Paul …
This week’s interview is with one of our former interns from last summer, Sharon Pia Hickey. Describe your background. I spent the summer of 2010 in Washington DC as part of the Washington Ireland Program. This program is designed to select the brightest young minds in Ireland and bring them to DC for a …
I’ve enjoyed our interview series. I’ve learned a surprising amount of new information about a lot of my co-workers. I’ve also learned a lot about the Law Library of Congress from the responses to the question: What is the most interesting fact you’ve learned about the Law Library of Congress? Here are a highlight of …
This week’s interview is with Liah Love Caravalho, who is the Administrative Assistant to the Deputy Law Librarian. Describe your background. I have been coordinating research activities and reports for the Global Legal Research Center since 2005. I was born in Houston, Texas, but raised in Seattle, Washington. I have now been living in …