Over the past few days, we have brought you our most-viewed blog posts of the year, as well as the Law Library’s most viewed reports for 2021. To finish out our most-viewed series, we are bringing you our most-viewed webinar recordings. The Law Library of Congress holds several recurring webinars throughout the year, as well …
Today’s interview is with Julie Schwarz, a foreign law intern working in the Global Legal Research Directorate of the Law Library of Congress under the supervision of Nicolas Boring, the foreign law specialist covering French-speaking jurisdictions. Describe your background. I was born in Paris, France. When I was eight years old, we moved to New York City …
Aslihan Bulut has been appointed as Law Librarian of Congress after serving in that position in an acting capacity for almost five months. Since 2019, Bulut served as the deputy law librarian for collections at the Law Library of Congress, where she oversaw the Global Legal Collections Directorate in establishing priorities, design, launch, and execution …