The Law Library of Congress, in collaboration with the U.S. Government Publishing Office, has started a large multi-year effort to digitize and make accessible volumes of the U.S. Congressional Serial Set dating back to the first volume published in 1817. The U.S. Congressional Serial Set is an official, bound collection of reports and documents of …
Today’s interview is with Samantha Seto, who worked as an intern with the Digital Resources Division this past summer. Describe your background. I am from the suburbs of Florida–the beautiful lands of Tampa Palms. I grew up in a home on a cul-de-sac near a lake and woods filled with deer and evergreen trees. My …
Happy Friday! We’ve updated the links of our legal research guides for fourteen foreign jurisdictions. These research guides provide a one-stop primer on the legal systems of foreign countries by providing links to reference sources, compilations, citations guides, periodicals (indexes and databases), dictionaries, web resources, free public web sites, subscription-based services, subject-specific web sites, and country overviews. The …