While traveling through Europe, Bailey encounters a small bat (from a distance) in a Czech castle. Though not royalty, the bat has its own protections under a European agreement known as EUROBATS, as well as federal and state protections here in the the United States.
This spring, the Law Library of Congress added two new foreign legal gazette collections to our website, namely Panama and Czechia, and also released a new Bite-Sized Legal Research Tutorial featuring guidance to researchers on how to use the Foreign Legal Gazettes Guide.
New Law Library Report on "Lobbying and Foreign Agent Registration Laws" published. It provides information on lobbying and foreign agent registration laws in select jurisdictions.
Exploring the newly published Law Library report on the Development of Laws on Abortion, Genetic Consultation and Assisted Reproduction from 1945 in Eleven Countries
A search of legal reports produced by the Law Library of Congress has identified multiple reports on gun laws around the world. The reports date back to the early 1960s, reflecting the interest in the topics of “firearms” OR “weapons” OR “gun control” OR “weapons industry” by Law Library of Congress patrons over the years. …
We celebrate many commemorative days, weeks, and holidays at the Law Library of Congress, from Public Service Recognition Week to Constitution Day. One week that is particularly dear to our hearts is National Library Week. Each April, libraries across America celebrate the important work of libraries and librarians, and the countless ways in which they …