A Congress.gov interview is with Barbara Perkins, head of the Legislative Analysis and Services Section of the Office of Legislative Information Services in the Congressional Research Service (CRS).
Our first ever post for this blog, published on August 2, 2010, was What Exactly is In Custodia Legis? In it there was a photo of coffee shop/legal counsel office combined. I see this as a good metaphor for the blog. The legal issues and resources we discuss on In Custodia Legis are the kinds …
Today’s interview is with Zuhair Mahmoud, an information technology specialist within the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) of the Library of Congress. Describe your background. I was born in Amman, Jordan, and adopted the U.S. as my new home at the age of 17. I attended high school at Chelmsford High in Chelmsford, Massachusetts, …
This week’s interview is with Abbie Grotke. She is the web archiving team lead here at the Library of Congress. I have worked with Abbie on a variety of archive collections, including the Legal Blawgs and U.S. Congressional web archives. Describe your background. I’m an all-over-the-East Coast gal. Born in Upstate/central New York, near the Finger Lakes, I’ve …
I recently returned from my first visit to Austin, Texas for the 110th American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Annual Meeting and Conference. Hanibal, Tariq, and I hosted a panel, Tech Trends + Transparency. In it we discussed a new Law Library of Congress report, Features of Parliamentary Websites, by the Law Library’s foreign law specialists. In the …
This week’s interview is with Jennifer Gonzalez, a digital library technician in the Law Library’s new Digital Resources Division. Jennifer is helping to review our content and serves as a web editor. Describe your background I am a Floridian, born and raised in Saint Petersburg, Florida with my two younger sisters. My family still lives in Florida, …
This week’s Pic of the Week is from outside our neighbor to the north, the Supreme Court. I’m not sure if many of you heard, but they had some cases to announce this week. Debbie, who specializes in federal government documents including the Supreme Court, made a trip to visit the Supreme Court yesterday morning. When …
The following is a guest post by Margaret Wood, Legal Reference Specialist in our Public Services Directorate. Here in the Law Library Reading Room we are continuing our work to relocate certain collections in preparation for the Reading Room Remodeling. The purpose of this post is to give everyone an update about the collections currently …