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Search results for: on the shelf

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

On the Shelf – German Serials

Posted by: Betty Lupinacci

Like many of you, when returning to the office after working from home this spring, we were inundated with mail. Among the hundreds of shipping boxes awaiting us were more than 20 filled with German serial titles. I know that Germany is one of the more prolific publishers of legal material, but to see it …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

On the Shelf – COVID-19

Posted by: Robert Brammer

This is a guest post by Francisco Macías, head of the Iberia/Rio Office Section in the African, Latin American, and Western European Division (ALAWE) of the Acquisitions and Bibliographic Access Directorate. Francisco was formerly a senior legal information analyst in the Law Library of Congress.  Hello! I wish everyone safety and good health during this …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

On the Shelf: International and Foreign Resources on Indigenous Law

Posted by: Elin Hofverberg

November is celebrated as National American Indian Heritage Month in the United States. In addition to our guide to Indigenous Law Resources online for U.S.-centric sources on indigenous law, the Law Library also holds a number of international and foreign law resources on indigenous law in other countries. For instance, earlier this year, the Global Legal …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

On the Shelf – Gifted Items

Posted by: Betty Lupinacci

As most of you probably know, the Law Library builds its collection from many sources.  We receive United States-published titles through copyright deposit; governments at other jurisdictional levels send us material via exchange or transfer arrangements; we purchase foreign titles through the Library’s Acquisitions and Bibliographic Access Directorate, etc. But, in case you were wondering, …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

On the Shelf – Finnish Forest and Forestry Laws

Posted by: Elin Hofverberg

Today, December 6, marks Independence Day in Finland. Although Finland is known as “the land of a thousand lakes,” it is also the most heavily-forested country in Europe. Around 72% of Finland’s land area is covered by forests, whereas 10% of the country is covered by lakes. With 60% of Finnish forests being classified as privately-owned forests, it …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Open For Business: National Entrepreneur’s Day On the Shelf

Posted by: Jennifer Davis

National Entrepreneur’s Day is a commemorative day to encourage innovative business people creating new jobs and economic growth in the United States. Today’s holiday was created by presidential proclamation and first celebrated in November 2010; an enthusiastic startup lobbied for the day.  As the commemoration falls right before Small Business Saturday, the timing could not …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

World Intellectual Property Day, April 26– On the Shelf

Posted by: Jennifer Davis

The following post is a joint effort by Jennifer Davis (collections text) and Betty Lupinacci (gazette curation and photo). Today, April 26, is World Intellectual Property Day. At the Law Library, one subject matter area most frequently requested by patrons from our collections is intellectual property law. Since our foreign law specialists are frequently producing …