We are very excited to bring you the Senate Journal as part of today’s release. There is content for the Senate Journal from the 1st to the 43rd Congress. In addition to searching, it is available from the Browse page.
Earlier this month, Robert shared news of the addition of the “Add to My Calendar” feature for upcoming committee hearings on Congress.gov. I have already used it several times to be reminded of when a hearing that I want to follow is scheduled. Congress.gov continues to grow with new material. If you had done a …
Earlier this month, Margaret wrote about the addition of citations to our share/save toolbar on Congress.gov. We also made it easier to see contact information for members. One of the areas we have focused on, behind the scenes, over the last year is to continue to enhance the historical content on Congress.gov. In February we …
One of the new features to Congress.gov that we have been refining this year is the Committee Schedule, which “combines announcements about future House and Senate committee meetings and hearings for the selected week.” Robert announced its launch in January. Since then, we have added indicators for rescheduled and postponed meetings, upcoming meetings to the …
Earlier this month, Margaret highlighted the new addition to the Committee Schedule, which shows, under Supporting Documentation, any related metadata, links to legislation, treaties, or nominations. Today’s release continues to refine the Committee Schedule. Enhancements for July 2019, Part 1 Enhancement – Committee Schedule – Weekly View Committee Schedule weekly view includes a calendar-based date picker …
In April, Robert shared that the new “LIVE” icon was added to the homepage when a House committee hearing is streaming. With this month’s release, we have updated our committee profile pages so that when you click on legislation or other items in the list you will then have arrows to take you to the next and previous items …
This has been a great year as we continue our push to develop and refine Congress.gov. There were email alerts added in February, treaties and better default text in March, the Federalist Papers and more browse options in May, and accessibility and user requested features in July. With this October update, Senate Executive Communications from …
This is a guest post by Nicolas Boring, French foreign law specialist at the Law Library of Congress. Nicolas wrote FALQs: Freedom of Speech in France and co-collaborated on the post, Does the Haitian Criminal Code Outlaw Making Zombies. Describe your background. I was born and raised in Montreal, Canada and my first language is …