This week the Library of Congress hosts multiple pre-conferences in Washington, DC before the main International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) conference in Columbus, OH. If you are visiting DC for one of the pre-conferences, be sure to share your experiences on Twitter with the hashtag #IFLAPREatLOC. To make guests feel welcome, I’ve asked a few …
The following is a guest post by Connie Johnson, a senior legal research analyst at the Law Library of Congress. Connie has posted several times before, including items on Water Rights on Star Island, Law Relating to Refugee Rights – Global Legal Collection Highlights, her summer vacation on Star Island, and World Health Day. June 26 is …
I work in an amazing place. We sometimes refer to it as a mini United Nations because we have staff from around the globe. Our Global Legal Research Directorate provides a wealth of foreign, international, and comparative reports for Congress. You can access our foreign law reference collection in the Global Legal Resource Room. There is also …
We have now completed our first full calendar year of In Custodia Legis. Our team of bloggers covers current legal trends and subjects from around the world so you never know what the next topic of a post will be. But I can tell you what the most popular posts of the past year were. To …
The following is a guest post by Roberta I. Shaffer, Law Librarian of Congress. Roberta has posted to the blog on multiple occasions including: Happy Old Year, The Law Library of Congress Strategic Plan Released, and My Trip to the Future. Another year has passed and I am pleased once again to send you great cheer and …
The following is a guest post by Betty Lupinacci, Lead Technician for Legal Processing Workflow Resolution One of the many ongoing projects in the Collection Services Division of the Law Library of Congress involves the Records & Briefs of the United States Circuit Courts of Appeals. This material, dating back to the early 1900’s, is being …
While scanning my Twitter feed, I came across a tweet by Kevin O’Keefe: We Honor the Fallen: Past ABA Journal Blawg 100 Entries Which Have Departed It led to a feature related to The 5th Annual ABA Journal Blawg 100 on the original 100 blawgs and the 23 that have stopped publishing. The ABA Journal started …
The following is a guest post by Margaret Wood, Legal Reference Specialist in our Public Services Division. She has previously posted on Law Day, the start of a new Congress, the debt ceiling legislation, and the relocation of state collections. Since our posts in March on the relocation of some general and state collections, we have completed additional work …
The following is a guest post by Bacilio Mendez II, an intern in the Public Services Division of the Law Library of Congress. Computer hacking has been in the news a bit of late and we here at the Law Library of Congress thought that we would turn this confusing moment in the societal consciousness …