A humanist and generally recognized as an uomo universal [“Renaissance man”], Leon Battista Alberti (1404-1472) is known for his works in painting, sculpture, architecture, mathematics, astronomy, music, physics, philosophy, and cryptography. The writing of the mysterious Hypnerotomachia Poliphili has even been attributed to him. The Law Library recently acquired a compilation of his lesser-known works, simply titled …
Today, the Library of Congress announced officially that Magna Carta is coming to the Library! Lincoln Cathedral in Lincoln, England, is loaning the Library its exemplification of a 1215 King John Magna Carta. The historical document will be part of the exhibition, Magna Carta: Muse and Mentor, which opens November 6, 2014 and continues through January 19, …
Happy Friday! We’ve updated the links of our legal research guides for fourteen foreign jurisdictions. These research guides provide a one-stop primer on the legal systems of foreign countries by providing links to reference sources, compilations, citations guides, periodicals (indexes and databases), dictionaries, web resources, free public web sites, subscription-based services, subject-specific web sites, and country overviews. The …