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Category: Collections

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Lincoln and Logan – Pic of the Week

Posted by: Nathan Dorn

Since Abraham Lincoln‘s birthday is tomorrow we thought we might share some Lincoln-related resources, chief among them a document written in Lincoln’s hand that the Law Library recently acquired. The document is a complaint that Lincoln wrote when he was practicing law with Stephen Trigg Logan (1800-1880). Lincoln worked with Logan from 1841-1844, following his …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Swimming a Witch: Evidence in 17th-century English Witchcraft Trials

Posted by: Nathan Dorn

In recent posts on this blog, I have written about the evidence used in 17th-century witch trials, both in America and in England. In those posts, I pointed out that proving the crime of witchcraft was no simple matter. Rules for evidence in criminal trials were not yet formalized at that time, and opinions about …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

New Acquisition: A 14th-Century Manuscript of Registrum Brevium

Posted by: Nathan Dorn

Last month on this blog, I highlighted a 15th-century manuscript that the Law Library recently acquired that contained work on the laws of war for knights in the Middle Ages. In this post, I would like to announce the acquisition of another new addition to the Law Library’s growing collection of medieval manuscripts, a 14th-century …