We had a great time at the National Book Festival this past weekend talking with visitors about how the Law Library can help people connect with Congress, including through THOMAS. We handed out lots of gavel pencils as souvenirs! Andrew gave a presentation in the Library of Congress tent on Saturday about “THOMAS Takeaways for …
The following is a guest post by Margaret Wood, a Legal Reference Specialist in the Public Services Division. When the House of Representatives agreed to increase the debt ceiling limit on Monday, August 1, 2011, the roll call vote posted by the Clerk of the House linked to S. 365, a bill then titled “To …
There are multiple ways to view the United States Code online, including the Cornell Legal Information Institute, FDsys, and the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the United States House of Representatives. In fact, you can find a link in THOMAS to the Office of the Law Revision Counsel site for the U.S. Code (on …
The old Schoolhouse Rock lesson “I’m Just a Bill” provides a quick introduction to the legislative process. However, there is more detailed information available through the Law Library of Congress on the legislative process. There is a Legislative Process page in THOMAS which contains links to very detailed guides: the House of Representatives’ “How Our …
I recently got a new smart phone and have started exploring apps that can help me keep up with Congress and do my job (Andrew has mentioned a couple before). I’ve compiled a sampling of apps for various devices. What’s your favorite app for getting in touch or keeping up with Congress? Information about Congress …