We are excited to bring you the latest Congress.gov updates for December! New Enhancements for December 2017 Enhancements – Committee Authority Project Phase 2 The Committee Authority Project is a multi-phase project to improve access to committee information. Full official names of Joint Committees display on committee profile pages and on the Committees of the U.S. Congress landing page. …
As part of our latest Congress.gov enhancements, we are excited to provide access to House Communications transmitted from January 6, 2015-present (since the 114th Congress convened). House Communications frequently consist of petitions by state and local officials, memorials, messages from the President, and reports submitted to the House by executive agencies that are sometimes required by federal …
Last month kicked off the first Congress.gov Tip, Top, and New post. Today, we’re bringing you the new Congress.gov enhancements for September, as well as a search tip and the latest most-viewed bills. Search Tip Adrienne Keys continues to share helpful search tips on Congress.gov. A recent tip was to remind users that the default search operator …
This is a guest post by Tammie Nelson, project manager for Congress.gov. Tammie reflects on her time at the Library of Congress as she prepares to depart to begin work on a PhD in information studies at the University of Maryland iSchool. My first Library of Congress office was in the Madison Building. Eight quotations from our …
Congress.gov’s release 3.4 was deployed on Monday, June 26th. With this new release, you may have noticed a change in your search results. This is because the default search operator on the global and advanced search form is now AND instead of OR. For example, if you searched national park from the homepage, Congress.gov used to return …