Each year we continue to enhance and grow Congress.gov. Back in January 2013 we added the Congressional Record to the website. At the time, the Congressional Record only went back to 2011. If you look today, after we have methodically been adding previous Congresses of the Bound Congressional Record, it now goes back to 1899. …
We often talk about how Congress.gov is a group project comprised of multiple partners who provide different content and services to the site. The Library of Congress OCIO division provides the software and hardware for the site while, the reference librarians in the Law Library help public patrons navigate the site and construct searches for …
Earlier this month, Robert shared news of the addition of the “Add to My Calendar” feature for upcoming committee hearings on Congress.gov. I have already used it several times to be reminded of when a hearing that I want to follow is scheduled. Congress.gov continues to grow with new material. If you had done a …
In last month’s Congress.gov release, we made it easier for users to search for historical congressional legislation, or more recent legislation, by grouping together those options through the use of checkboxes on the legislative quick search form and the advanced legislation search form. In our latest release, we are bringing you a similar enhancement in the form …
Andrew’s Congress.gov post at the end of September featured a video that provided an overview of 10 recent enhancements to Congress.gov. In the latest release, we have made it easier for users to search for historical congressional legislation, or more recent legislation, by grouping together these options through the use of checkboxes on the legislative …
Congress.gov is constantly improving. We do releases approximately every three weeks to enhance the website and incorporate user feedback. There is a great new video highlighting 10 recent enhancements inspired by feedback. Watch the video below to learn what is new to the site and visit our Congress.gov Enhancement Timeline for more details. In addition …
On September 2, 2021, the Library of Congress, in collaboration with our data partners, held a Congress.gov Virtual Public Forum to provide updates on the enhancements made to Congress.gov over the past year and provide a forum to learn more about how we can better serve your legislative information needs. The Library’s Digital Strategy Director …
We celebrated the beginning of meteorological fall with our Congress.gov Public Forum on September 2, 2021. The forum opened with a recap by Andrew of the enhancements to Congress.gov since last fall. We will be posting a recording of this forum in the near future. In the meantime, our release today includes historical content in …
At the end of July, Andrew shared the enhancements from the last Congress.gov release, which included adding Key Word In Context (KWIC) search results for the Bound Congressional Record and new customization options for bill alerts. With this month’s release, a link to the treaty errata tab from the overview section on treaty detail pages …