The following is a guest post by Janice Hyde, director of the Global Legal Collection Directorate at the Law Library of Congress. The Law Library of Congress has always relied on primary sources of law wherever possible to respond to requests from the U.S. Congress and its other patrons. For foreign countries, the fundamental source …
At the recent American Association of Law Libraries Conference, Jennifer Gonzalez, Jolande Goldberg and I had an opportunity to unveil a new Indigenous Law Portal. The Indigenous Law Portal brings together collection materials from the Law Library of Congress as well as links to tribal websites and primary source materials found on the Web. The …
The following is a guest post by Dante Figueroa, Senior Legal Information Analyst at the Law Library of Congress. The author would like to recognize the collaboration of Samuel Urueta, Summer Intern, in the preparation of this posting. Currently, the Vatican City State has a population of about 800 people, which makes it one of the …