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Category: Global Law

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Becoming the Plutarch of Renaissance Lawyers

Posted by: Nathan Dorn

Quid sit quod multi vitas principum and ducum… diligentissime conscripserint atque inde genus hoc scribendi profectum, paulatim ad eos homines pervenerit, qui leniores quodammodo virtutes profitentur, Philosophos dico, Medicos, Oratores, Poetas… donec ad Rhetores ac Grammaticos deventum est, nemo adhuc extiterit, qui sibi Legumlatorum et Iurisprudentum vitas in argumentum iusti et peculiaris operis desumpserit… How …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Listmakers and the Law in Renaissance Europe

Posted by: Nathan Dorn

In Custodia Legis has featured a couple of posts on the bibliography of early law books, both here and here. In this post, I want to look at the beginning of legal bibliography in order to highlight some of the earliest examples of that craft and the people responsible for its creation. The invention of the …