The following article originally appeared in the May 3, 2013, edition of Library of Congress staff newsletter, The Gazette. The U.S. Department of State this week honored the Law Library of Congress for legal research work it provides in support of global criminal-justice programs. The State Department presented the “Outstanding Partnership in Criminal Justice Assistance” …
The Law Library, along with the Library’s African and Middle Eastern Division, will hold a panel discussion on the role and impact of Islamic law in transitioning Arab Spring countries. The program is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 4th in the Mumford Room, which is on the sixth floor of the James Madison Building,101 Independence …
The following article originally appeared in the April 26, 2013, edition of Library of Congress staff newsletter, The Gazette. Through timely, authoritative legal analysis, the Global Legal Research Directorate contributes to the Law Library of Congress’s services. The directorate covers a global legal perspective while simultaneously fulfilling the Law Library’s primary mission to provide members …