The Law Library of Congress has developed a guide to our collection of foreign legal gazettes. Gazettes are generally the first place that a ruling body will publish its laws, making them an invaluable resource for foreign legal research. The Law Library has been collecting foreign legal gazettes since the mid-19th century. We are one of …
Like many of you, when returning to the office after working from home this spring, we were inundated with mail. Among the hundreds of shipping boxes awaiting us were more than 20 filled with German serial titles. I know that Germany is one of the more prolific publishers of legal material, but to see it …
Today’s Pic of the Week is a resolution, contained in a special supplement to the official gazette of Egypt, that can be roughly translated as a resolution from the Prime Minister, “Issuing the Administrative Regulations for the Law Concerning Persons with Disabilities.” …
Okay, so this is not actually another of Andrew’s clever posts with videos showing you how to say “law” or “book” in multiple languages. However, when our serials cataloger, Brian Kuhagen, showed me a title he was classifying, I immediately thought of Andrew’s posts and tying that theme (a single word in multiple languages) to …
The following is a guest post by Clare Feikert-Ahalt, foreign law specialist for the United Kingdom and a number of Commonwealth jurisdictions at the Law Library of Congress. Clare has previously written many interesting posts, most recently: FALQs: Brexit Referendum and The Case of a Ghost Haunted England for Over Two Hundred Years. Frequently, the four …
Josh Darland, an assistant project manager in the Law Library, brought me this book on Minnesota law, written in Danish and published in the United States in 1896. He thought it would make a good post for our On the Shelf series because it was so unexpected. And he was correct. Though it’s not as …
It seems as though Collection Services Division’s staff have been composing On the Shelf posts for ages. Since we’ve started posting, I’ve been reminded by colleagues about items found years ago that we would pass around or send photos of or talk about over lunch. One such item is a book Brian Kuhagen found a …
In this edition of On the Shelf we’re examining a rather large title both in size of the individual volumes and the total number of volumes that comprise a complete set. Staatskoerant is the current official government gazette of the Republic of South Africa. The title has been published continuously since 1961 when South Africa …
The newest entry in our On the Shelf series is one of my favorites: Das OĢsterreichische Recht. Well favorite may not be the right word. Those few of us who have had the pleasure of working with this title both love and fear it. Das Osterreichische Recht is a 113 volume looseleaf set containing the …