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Category: Global Law

On this Day in 1523: Gustav Vasa Elected King – Happy 500, Sweden!

Posted by: Elin Hofverberg

    Today, June 6, Sweden celebrates 500 years as an independent nation. On June 6, 1523, Gustav Eriksson Vasa was elected king of Sweden at the assembly (riksmötet) in Strängsnäs, officially uniting Sweden under one king and ending forever the Kalmar Union that tied Denmark, Norway, and Sweden (including Finland) together under one monarch. …

Cover images of historical and contemporary legal reports published in the last year. All of the reports pictured above are now available online in the Legal Reports (Publications of the Law Library of Congress) collection.

Online Legal Reports Collection Surpasses 4,000 Historical and Contemporary Reports

Posted by: Stephen Mayeaux

The Law Library is happy to announce that our collection of legacy and contemporary reports has grown to over 4,000. This summer, we plan to announce a new update to our crowdsourcing campaign, with the release of several hundred additional digitized reports that were published over the last couple years and which would benefit greatly from volunteer transcriptions to help ensure accurate full-text searchability of our collection.

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Law Library of Congress Legal Reports – Now Available on HeinOnline

Posted by: Taylor Gulatsi

Among the many resources that the Law Library is renowned for is the preparation of legal reports on foreign, comparative, and international law topics. As we continue to publish contemporary and historical legal reports on on a weekly basis, the Law Library of Congress is proud to announce that our legal reports will now …