This guest post describes the anti-domestic violence law in Bahrain as part of the Law Library's FALQs posts which are frequently asked legal questions.
This is a guest post by Francisco Macías, head of the Iberia/Rio Office Section in the African, Latin American, and Western European Division (ALAWE) of the Acquisitions and Bibliographic Access Directorate. Francisco was formerly a senior legal information analyst in the Law Library of Congress. Born on September 12, 1931, in the port city of …
The Law Library's first interactive map is live - and it covers 89 jurisdictions. Explore the new map and how it represents the information represented in the associated legal report, Innovative technology in legislatures in selected countries.
Today's blog post announces the final Foreign and Comparative International Law Webinar for 2024. The webinar will review the most popular legal reports published by the Law Library of Congress in 2024.