The following is reposted from the Library of Congress blog. This is a guest post by Sue Siegel, director of development for the Library. The Library is one of the greatest gifts the United States Congress has given to the American people. Its support provides a foundation of excellence in collecting, preserving and providing access …
On this day 196 years ago, September 15, 1821, the Acta de Independencia de Centro América declared independence from Spain for Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua.
This is a guest post by Jeffrey Harris, Presidential Management Fellow at the Law Library. Not a lot people know this about me, but before I started working at the Law Library of Congress, I used to be a football coach. Even though I was young for a coach at the time, the University of …
This is a guest post by Janeen Williams, legal reference librarian at the Law Library of Congress. Grammar enthusiasts have long debated the utility of the Oxford comma. In the past, authors have been advised that usage of Oxford commas (also known as serial commas) is an issue of style and will be determined by …