We are excited that once again In Custodia Legis has been recognized as one of the top 100 best blogs for a legal audience out of more than 4,000 in the ABA Journal’s Blawg Directory. We were first included in the ABA Journal’s 8th Annual Blawg 100 in 2014. Then we were fortunate to be listed again …
Back in January, Nicolas kicked off our ”FALQs” (aka “Frequently Asked Legal Questions“) series with a post on terrorism in France. He was asked on Twitter to continue the series with a post on freedom of speech in France. He has previously blogged about ”How Sunday Came to be a Day of Rest in France,” “Napoleon Bonaparte …
On Monday, I learned the Law Library’s blog, In Custodia Legis, has earned a spot in the 2014 ABA Journal’s Blawg 100, the annual list of “the best in blogs about lawyers and the law.” We have reviewed the ABA nominations list in the past for possible blawgs to include in our archive. Being nominated, …
I was very excited to see yesterday’s announcement of the Fastcase 50. My next door neighbor at work and fellow In Custodia Legis blogger, Tina Gheen, made the list! The Fastcase 50 honors “the smartest, most courageous innovators, techies, visionaries, and leaders in the law.” Tina did an excellent job this year organizing the two …
Living in Washington, D.C., it can be easy to take for granted the monuments that people come across the nation and around the globe to visit. Recently, the reopening of the Washington Monument has been big news here in D.C. It had been closed for repairs since the earthquake in August 2011 (there was another small …
The following guest post is by Butch Lazorchak, a digital archivist at the Library of Congress. It is cross posted on The Signal. Digital technology makes documents easy to alter or copy, leading to multiple non-identical versions that can be used in unauthorized or illegitimate ways. Unfortunately, the ease of alteration has introduced doubt in users’ minds …
The following is a guest post by Debora Keysor, a Senior Legal Reference Specialist in the Law Library of Congress. Debbie has previously blogged about PACER and Supreme Court Records and Briefs. The nation’s capital was once again the place to be, but not for the Cherry Blossoms this week. Thousands of people descended on …
The following is a guest post by Megan Lulofs, a Legal Information Analyst in the Public Services Division. It’s almost Super Bowl Sunday, a quasi-national holiday when hundreds of millions of Americans (111 million last year) watch the NFL’s championship game. This year’s big game between the New York Giants and New England Patriots in …
This year the Law Library of Congress will be represented at the National Book Festival! We will be in the Library of Congress Pavilion (near the 7th Street end of the Festival) to talk with visitors about how we can help people connect with Congress. There will be two tables with laptops so you can …