As Kelly said in a previous post, there are certain cases that attract our attention for both their quirkiness and deeper societal meanings. With several hundred years of cases, there are many, many quirky ones across my jurisdictions. There has been one particular case that has stuck with me for the past few years as …
The media spotlight has once again fallen upon the heir to the British Throne, Prince William, and his long term girlfriend, Kate Middleton. The recent attention has been garnered due to the fact that betting shops (commonly referred to as bookies) in England and Wales are no longer taking bets on the year that Prince …
On my drive to work at the end of last week I heard the joyful news on the radio that singer Katy Perry and British actor/comedian Russell Brand have announced that they are going to get married. Wonderful! The second part of the announcement was that Katy Perry loves the UK so much that she wants …
The recent one year anniversary of the release of Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al-Megrahi, the man convicted in 1999 of the Lockerbie bombings, prompted me to to delve a little further behind the headlines. Al-Megrahi was released from a Scottish prison on compassionate grounds after doctors diagnosed him with terminal prostate cancer. I thought …