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Category: Interview

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

An Interview with Sarah Friedman, A Presidential Management Fellow at the Law Library of Congress

Posted by: Kelly Goles

Today’s interview is with Sarah Friedman, a Presidential Management Fellow working in the Public Services Division at the Law Library of Congress. Describe your background. I was born and raised in New Bedford, Massachusetts, where I was always just a short drive away from the beach and many beautiful coastal New England towns. Growing up, my …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

An Interview with Baptiste Beurrier, Foreign Law Intern

Posted by: Kelly Goles

Today’s interview is with Baptiste Beurrier, a foreign law intern working in the Global Legal Research Directorate of the Law Library of Congress under the supervision of Nicolas Boring, the foreign law specialist covering French-speaking jurisdictions. Describe your background. I was born and raised in Bordeaux, a city in Southwest France. My paternal grandparents lived …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

An Interview with Katie Colson, Junior Fellow

Posted by: Kelly Goles

Today’s interview is with Katie Colson, a Junior Fellow working on metadata remediation for the Law Library of Congress blog, In Custodia Legis. Describe your background. I am originally from a small town in northern Idaho called Bonners Ferry. I am currently living in Urbana, Illinois, while I am a graduate student. My journey into the …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

An Interview with Heather Casey, Writer/Editor

Posted by: Kelly Goles

Today’s interview is with Heather Casey, a writer/editor in the Global Legal Research Directorate of the Law Library of Congress. Describe your background. I was born in Virginia but moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, as a kid. After I received my undergraduate degree, I lived in France for about two years and I think that experience …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Legal Inspiration in Art and Literature

Posted by: Kelly Goles

We’ve all been asked the question, what do you want to be when you grow up? Last year, I attended a preschool graduation where four to five year olds were asked this very question. Their answers varied: a policeman, an ice cream truck driver, a teacher. Perhaps unsurprisingly, no one mentioned becoming a lawyer or …