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Category: Interview

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

An Interview with Bing Jia, Foreign Law Intern

Posted by: Kelly Buchanan

The following interview is with Bing Jia.  Bing is currently working as an intern in the Law Library’s Global Legal Research Center. Describe your background. Apart from some brief moves, I spent my childhood in Liaocheng, a historical and cultural city in Northern China.  The Old Town — which is shaded from the summer heat …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

An Interview with Nichaya Soothipan, Foreign Law Intern

Posted by: Kelly Buchanan

The following is an interview with Nichaya Soothipan, a foreign law intern at the Law Library of Congress.  Nichaya is the third intern we have interviewed this year.  We will soon have many more interns working at the Law Library for various periods during the summer months. Describe your background. I was born and raised …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

An Interview with Faith Jo, Foreign Law Intern

Posted by: Kelly Buchanan

The following is an interview with Faith Jo, who is currently working as an intern in the Law Library’s Global Legal Research Center.  The Law Library is proud to host a number of interns each year from all over the world.  We hope to post many more interviews with interns throughout the year! Describe your …