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Category: Interview

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

An Interview with Zachary Schaeffer, Law Library Summer Intern

Posted by: Liah Caravalho

Today’s interview is with Zachary Schaeffer, who is a college student at Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia. He is currently working as a summer intern with the Law Library’s Office of Legislative and External Relations. Describe your background. I’m from a small town called Smithsburg, which is outside of Hagerstown, Maryland. I went …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

An Interview with Elizabeth Pugh, General Counsel

Posted by: Liah Caravalho

In celebration of Women’s History Month, this week’s interview is with Elizabeth Pugh, general counsel of the Library of Congress. Ms. Pugh has had an illustrious legal career in the federal government that spans over thirty years. Prior to joining the Library, she served at the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Department of Education, …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

An Interview with Randall Hicks, Scholar-in-Residence

Posted by: Liah Caravalho

This week’s interview is with Randall Hicks, Scholar-in-Residence at the Law Library of Congress and International Relations Officer in the Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking (OCFT) at the United States Department of Labor. As Scholar-in-Residence, Randall is conducting research on the cultural foundations of law and their impact on rule of …