This week’s interview is with Marjut Kokko, who is the Chief of Information Services at the Supreme Court of Finland. Marjut visited the Law Library of Congress to learn more about our services and practices. Describe your background. I have been at the Law Library of Congress for two weeks as an international guest/intern. I …
This week’s interview is with Hanibal Goitom, a Foreign Law Specialist in our Global Legal Research Center. Hanibal has previously written two guest posts for In Custodia Legis. His “Power Lunch” was also discussed in the post There’s No Place Like Home. Describe your background. I am a Foreign Law Specialist at the Law Library …
This week’s interview is with Henry Rossman, Director of Information Technology for the Law Library. What is your academic/professional history? I have a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Miami, FL. My Master’s Degree and Doctorate are both from Temple University (Philadelphia). The graduate degrees are in Sociology, with sub-specializations in Social Psychology, Minority …