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Category: Interview

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

An Interview with Liah Love Caravalho, Administrative Assistant to the Deputy Law Librarian

Posted by: Andrew Weber

This week’s interview is with Liah Love Caravalho, who is the Administrative Assistant to the Deputy Law Librarian. Describe your background.   I have been coordinating research activities and reports for the Global Legal Research Center since 2005.  I was born in Houston, Texas, but raised in Seattle, Washington.  I have now been living in …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

An Interview with Isabella Marques de Castilla, Leadership Development Program Fellow

Posted by: Christine Sellers

This week’s interview is with Isabella Marques de Castilla, who is at the Law Library of Congress as a Fellow in the Library of Congress Leadership Development Program. Describe your background.   I am a product of different customs and cultures.  I have resided in various countries including Switzerland, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

An Interview with Sayuri Umeda, Foreign Law Specialist

Posted by: Andrew Weber

This week’s interview is with Sayuri Umeda, Foreign Law Specialist in our Global Legal Research Center. Describe your background. I joined the Directorate of Legal Research (which was renamed as the Global Legal Research Center in 2010) of the Law Library in 2001.  I used to have only two (or three, depending on how we …