Through the generosity of Julie Chrystyn Opperman and in honor of her husband, Dwight D. Opperman, the Law Library recently acquired two volumes of an extraordinarily rare 1478 edition of the Casus breves of Johannes de Turnhout (c. 1446–1492). This new acquisition had its first public viewing yesterday at the Law Library’s 15th Wickersham Award …
This week’s interview is with Nathan Dorn, who is a rare book technician in our Collection Services Division. Nathan is no stranger to In Custodia Legis; he recently wrote a guest piece on the Law Library’s Jewish law collection. Describe your background. I’ve been working at the Law Library for just over five years, first …
This week’s interview is with Megan Lulofs, who is a contractor from CGI working in our Collection Services Division as a Library Technician and as an independent consultant in our Public Services Division. Describe your background. I have worked in various positions throughout the Law Library, and I have been here off and on for …
The following is a guest post by Nathan Dorn, Rare Book Technician at the Law Library of Congress. In a previous post on this blog, a colleague of mine points out that the Law Library possesses significant collections in the area of religious law. An outstanding example of these, which he describes in his post, …
March 17th marks Saint Patrick’s Day, a feast day of the Roman Catholic Church that has also become a secular celebration around the world. It celebrates Saint Patrick (ca. 387-461 AD), probably the most recognized of the patron saints of Ireland. The origins of the holiday can be traced to the early 17th century. The …
The Law Library is pleased to announce that patrons may now request items from the collection using the online Automated Call Slip (ACS) system. Prior to March 2nd, patrons were required to fill out a paper request slip. With the introduction of the ACS in the Law Library, we are joining the Main, Local History …
This Presidents Day I would like to focus on one out of the forty-four. The Law Library has a digital collection of items related to Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln and the Law presents items from our Rare Book Collection that highlight periods when Lincoln’s life (and death) were securely linked to the law. Presented in three …
This week’s interview is with Agnieszka “Aga” Pukniel, a Library Technician in our Collection Services Division. Describe your background. I was born in a nice little town near Gdansk, located by the Baltic Sea in Poland. I lived there till I was 19, when I moved to the United States. I spent four years in …
The following is a guest post by Mark Strattner, Chief of our Collection Services Division. February 2, 2011 marks the thirtieth anniversary of the beginning of the move of the Law Library from the Thomas Jefferson Building to its present location in the James Madison Memorial Building. On Monday February 2, 1981, the Collection Management …