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Category: Law Library

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Archived Legal Materials from Official Gazettes Now Available Through

Posted by: Tina Gheen

The following is a guest post by Janice Hyde, director of the Global Legal Collection Directorate at the Law Library of Congress. The Law Library of Congress has always relied on primary sources of law wherever possible to respond to requests from the U.S. Congress and its other patrons. For foreign countries, the fundamental source …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

An Interview with Colleen Hybl, Daly Topp, and Shannon Wang

Posted by: Tina Gheen

This summer Jolande Goldberg and I had three talented women working with us on the Indigenous Law Portal: Colleen Hybl, Daly Topp, and Shannon Wang. These interns were part of the LC Knowledge Navigators Program Non-paid Internship Program with the University of Virginia. During their time with us, they learned a great deal about LC Classification …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Introducing the Indigenous Law Portal

Posted by: Tina Gheen

At the recent American Association of Law Libraries Conference, Jennifer Gonzalez, Jolande Goldberg and I had an opportunity to unveil a new Indigenous Law Portal. The Indigenous Law Portal brings together collection materials from the Law Library of Congress as well as links to tribal websites and primary source materials found on the Web. The …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

A New Akoma Ntoso Tool: the LIME Editor

Posted by: Tina Gheen

Monica Palmirani, one of the judges of our Legislative Data Challenges, recently alerted us to a new tool developed by the University of Bologna: the LIME Editor. This open source, web-based editor allows for the quick conversion of non-structured legal documents into XML, including Akoma Ntoso XML. The tool combines a component-based JavaScript framework and …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Jim Mangiafico and Garrett Schure Announced as Winners of the Second Library of Congress Legislative Data Challenge

Posted by: Tina Gheen

After months of hard work, we are pleased to announce Jim Mangiafico and Garrett Schure as the winners of the Library of Congress Second Legislative Data Challenge, Legislative XML Data Mapping. As you may remember, we launched this challenge last fall with the goal of advancing the development of international exchange standards for legislative data and …