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Category: Law Library

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Most Viewed Legal Research Reports in 2015

Posted by: Ruth Levush

With 2015 coming to end we are looking back at our accomplishments for the year. Recently, Donna wrote about the Top 15 Articles from the Enhanced GLM. Another online source that is useful for policy makers, legal researchers, and anyone interested in U.S., foreign, international, and comparative law is our collection of legal research reports.  These …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

On the Shelf: Fire codes

Posted by: Jennifer Davis

On December 30, 1903, a fire broke out in the Iroquois Theatre in Chicago, Illinois when a broken arc light ignited a muslin curtain. The theatre burned to the ground and over 600 theatre occupants, more than two-thirds women and children, died of asphyxiation, burns, or trampling. It remains one of the deadliest fires in …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Hawaii Added to the Indigenous Law Portal

Posted by: Robert Brammer

The Library of Congress debuted the Indigenous Law Portal back in 2014, starting with coverage for tribes located within the continental United States. Since that time, the portal has expanded to include Alaska, Canada, and Mexico. Constructed upon the Library’s K Classification system, the Indigenous Law Portal features links to current legal materials from the …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Top 15 Articles from the Enhanced GLM

Posted by: Donna Sokol

The Global Legal Monitor (GLM), one of the Law Library of Congress’s premier online sources, published 473 articles in 2015 covering legal developments from around the world on a variety of issues, particularly parliamentary acts and court decisions. When writing for the Global Legal Monitor, we try to focus on issues that we believe will interest our readers.  One of the …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Locating a Congressional Committee Print: A Beginner’s Guide

Posted by: Robert Brammer

This post is coauthored by Barbara Bavis and Robert Brammer, senior legal reference specialists. We have received a number of questions about congressional committee prints in the context of compiling a federal legislative history.  First, it helps to understand what congressional committee prints are and how they can be helpful for legislative researchers.  Congressional committee …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Nobel Prize-Winning Lawyers: Part Two

Posted by: Jennifer González

Yesterday I highlighted 14 Nobel Peace Prize winners who were leaders of their country before, during, or after they won the prize. Today, I will highlight 19 more winners with legal backgrounds. Many of these laureates were leaders in international law, disarmament policies, or helped to broker peace in time of conflict. Elihu Root was …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Nobel Prize-Winning Lawyers: Part One

Posted by: Jennifer González

As Elin mentioned yesterday, the Nobel Peace Prize will be given out on Thursday in Oslo, Norway.  I was interested in the recipients this year, the National Dialogue Quartet, and while researching I found that one quarter of this organization was the Tunisian Order of Lawyers. That piqued my interest as to how many other …