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Category: Law Library

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Appellate Judges Education Institute Summit–Pic of the Week

Posted by: Liah Caravalho

As a member of the Legislative and External Relations Office in the Law Library of Congress, I have the exciting opportunity to plan public events that celebrate law related observances such as Law Day and Constitution Day. I also have the pleasure of coordinating program visits for legal professionals and students from all over the world who want …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Political Philosopher Michael Sandel Delivers the 2015 Kellogg Biennial Lecture on Jurisprudence

Posted by: Liah Caravalho

Harvard professor and political philosopher, Michael J. Sandel is well known for his thought-provoking lectures on justice, ethics, democracy and markets. In fact, his course, “Justice,” which tackles some of the most complex ethical questions of our times, was the first Harvard course made freely available online and on television. Yet, despite his own commitment …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Constitution Day 2015—Religious Liberty in the United States

Posted by: Liah Caravalho

In commemoration of Constitution Day, the Law Library of Congress hosted a public program on Wednesday, September 16, that examined the right of religious freedom, which is protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. The program featured Robert P. George, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton University, and Jess Bravin, Supreme Court …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Wrap Up: 15th National Book Festival

Posted by: Liah Caravalho

The Law Library of Congress was delighted to engage with attendees again this year at the Library’s National Book Festival. We had 11 staff members volunteer at the festival from our Global Legal Research Directorate, Global Legal Collection Directorate, Public Services Division and Legislative and External Relations Office. We discussed our collection, legal research products and unique expertise in foreign …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Law Library of Congress Will Present at the National Book Festival

Posted by: Liah Caravalho

It is the most beloved time of the year for bibliophiles like myself–it is National Book Festival time! The festival is this Saturday, September 5 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. As in previous years, the Law Library of Congress will host a table at the festival. Law Library staff will be available starting …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Law Library to Commemorate Constitution Day with Discussion on Religious Freedom

Posted by: Liah Caravalho

In commemoration of Constitution Day, the Law Library of Congress will host a discussion about the importance of religious liberty in America and its historical connection to the U.S. Constitution with Princeton University professor of jurisprudence Robert P. George and Supreme Court correspondent Jess Bravin of The Wall Street Journal. The discussion will take place …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Bob Adelman and Ira Glasser Discuss Struggle for Human Rights in America

Posted by: Liah Caravalho

On Monday, August 3, 2015, Robert R. Newlen, chief of staff for the Library of Congress moderated a discussion between renowned photojournalist Bob Adelman and retired executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Ira Glasser in the Library of Congress Mumford Room. Newlen expressed his high regard for Adelman and Glasser’s life-long commitment …