March 17th marks Saint Patrick’s Day, a feast day of the Roman Catholic Church that has also become a secular celebration around the world. It celebrates Saint Patrick (ca. 387-461 AD), probably the most recognized of the patron saints of Ireland. The origins of the holiday can be traced to the early 17th century. The …
I’ve previously shared some of the questions that have come in through our Ask A Librarian service, but I have not yet blogged about some of the questions we get in person in the Reading Room. Recently, a patron* asked for assistance in researching a U.S. Supreme Court case about her grandfather: Watkins v. U.S., …
We occasionally highlight content on our blog that is viewed the most. There are retrospective blog posts with the top viewed posts each month, top weekly articles in the Global Legal Monitor (including what’s hot this year), the top weekly bills in THOMAS, and information about how to get top bill alerts by RSS and …
This week’s interview is with Liah Love Caravalho, who is the Administrative Assistant to the Deputy Law Librarian. Describe your background. I have been coordinating research activities and reports for the Global Legal Research Center since 2005. I was born in Houston, Texas, but raised in Seattle, Washington. I have now been living in …
Women’s History Month honors and celebrates the struggles and achievements of American women throughout the history of the United States. As in other commemorative observation pages, the Law Library of Congress highlights the legal aspects of Women’s History Month on our website. The origins of Women’s History Month date back to 1981 when Congress passed …
The Law Library would like to provide more information regarding the collections that will be relocated permanently in preparation for the Reading Room Remodeling. The following is a list of the larger sets that have been and are currently being moved permanently to other areas of the Law Library and Library of Congress annex shelving …
The Law Library is pleased to announce that patrons may now request items from the collection using the online Automated Call Slip (ACS) system. Prior to March 2nd, patrons were required to fill out a paper request slip. With the introduction of the ACS in the Law Library, we are joining the Main, Local History …
This week’s interview is with Isabella Marques de Castilla, who is at the Law Library of Congress as a Fellow in the Library of Congress Leadership Development Program. Describe your background. I am a product of different customs and cultures. I have resided in various countries including Switzerland, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the …
February seems to have rushed by. We continued to have several guest posts for In Custodia Legis this month. They included Thirty Years Ago – The Big Move, Legal Half Time Entertainment, The Legal Ramifications of the Current Political Crisis in Egypt, and The History of the Mexican Constitution. The guest post on Egypt was …