This week’s Pic of the Week shows the Law Library greeting before you enter our lobby, which is inside room 240 of the Madison Building. It provides a brief overview of our mission and responsibilities. After opening the door, you’ll see our logo on the other side of the lobby.
The following is a guest post by Shameema Rahman, Legal Reference Specialist in our Public Services Division. Have you found yourself needing to research a jurisdiction that you know next to nothing about? Because I studied law in Bangladesh, I will use that country as an example to provide some tips on how you could …
This week’s interview is with David Mao, Deputy Law Librarian of Congress. Describe your background. I have been the Deputy Law Librarian of Congress since June 2010. I was born in New York City, but raised in New Jersey (about 15 miles from Exit 8). Although I’ve lived in the DC metropolitan area for more …
The following is a guest post by Dr. Meredith Shedd-Driskel, Law Curator. With the rise of feudalism in medieval France, the country had evolved into two judicial territories. The provincial parliaments in northern France, acting as sovereign judicial bodies independent of each other and claiming independence from the king, applied droit coutumier, or legal principles …
Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. In 1983, President Reagan signed H.R. 3706, a bill to make the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., a legal public holiday, which became Public Law No: 98-144. The day (and federal holiday) is declared each year via Presidential Proclamation and is in honor of the birthday of …
This week’s interview is with Elizabeth Moore, a librarian in our Collection Services Division. Describe your background I’m a native New Orleanian, who lived there until coming to the Law Library in 2008. I grew up fourth in a family of six children. My father was a biology professor and a naturalist and my …
The following is a guest post by Roberta Shaffer, Law Librarian of Congress. It is that time again when so many of us reflect upon achievements, and shortcomings, of the previous year and look forward to keeping ambitious resolutions for the new year. In the past few days as the Law Library of Congress staff …
This week’s Pic of the Week is in honor of Marie Whited and her retirement from the Law Library. This past summer, Marie received the American Association of Law Libraries highest honor, the Marian Gould Gallagher Distinguished Service Award. She is best known for her subject work with the Library of Congress Classification for Law, …
December was another enjoyable month for In Custodia Legis. We introduced two new guest bloggers, Nicole and Steve. Nicole posted a couple of times: first on Social Networks and French Labor Law and, in response to a comment on the blog, on The Role of the “Doctrine” as a Source of Law in France. Steve …