It was an exciting first week for our new blog, In Custodia Legis! I want to thank everyone for stopping by and visiting us. I’d also like to thank the following blogs that took the time to highlight our arrival: Resource Shelf Et Seq. (Harvard Law School Library Blog) LexisNexis Government Info Pro Blog WisBlawg …
Did you know that we are open to Congress anytime either Chamber is in session? If they are in session on Thanksgiving, we have a law librarian here open for business. If they are gathering during a blizzard, we have someone walk through the snow to be here. What provision requires us to be open? …
As you saw from Kelly’s post, we have quite a group of foreign legal specialists working for us. She mentions the legal reference librarians that work at the Law Library and you may have found yourself asking “what is a legal reference librarian?” and “how does someone become one of those?” The answer to that, …
Back before the 18th Edition of The Bluebook was published, we were asked to help revamp table T.2 Foreign Jurisdictions. We have a great group of almost two dozen foreign law specialists (that Kelly previously mentioned) who come from around the world to work at the Law Library of Congress. In other words, we have the …
While the Law Library does employ a number of legal reference librarians as well as collections staff and other people that work with our huge book stacks (approximately two American football fields under our building!), there are quite a few of us that don’t have a background in library or information sciences (although I did work at …
In Custodia Legis is Latin for in the custody of the law. One role of the Law Library of Congress is to be a custodian of law and legislation. As part of this, our team of bloggers covers current legal trends, collecting for the largest law library in the world, a British perspective, a perspective …