Today’s follow-up interview is with Robert Brammer. Robert was first interviewed in 2012 when he started at the Law Library of Congress as a legal reference librarian. He is also a blogger for In Custodia Legis, authoring various posts, including: Constitution Day 2020 – “The Bulwark of Freedom”: African-American Members of Congress and the Constitution During …
The following is a guest post from Nicolas Boring, the foreign law specialist covering French- speaking jurisdictions at the Law Library of Congress. Nicolas has previously blogged about “Bastille Day” Is About More Than the Bastille, among others. In 2016, the French government adopted a labor law that, among other provisions, included a right to disconnect. This …
Join us online for the 2020 Frederic R. and Molly S. Kellogg Biennial Lecture in Jurisprudence! Philosopher Martha C. Nussbaum will be the featured speaker of the event on Wednesday, September 9 at 3p.m. EDT. Brian E. Butler, professor of philosophy and legal scholar at the University of North Carolina Asheville, will interview Professor Nussbaum on “Philosophy and …
[Click here for the English version of this post / Haz clic aquí para la versión en inglés.] La semana pasada, la Biblioteca Jurídica del Congreso te exhortó a ayudarnos a completar el proceso de transcripciones de los documentos restantes de nuestro proyecto, leyes y normas: agricultura, conservación, caza y pesca, de nuestra campaña de crowdsourcing, Herencia: Centuries of …
[Click here for the English version of this post / Haz clic aquí para la versión en inglés.] Esta semana, la Biblioteca Jurídica del Congreso te invita a ayudarnos a mejorar el acceso a nuestra colección única de documentos jurídico-históricos de España, Herencia: Centuries of Spanish Legal Documents, a través de la plataforma de crowdsourcing …
On April 30, the Law Library of Congress, in collaboration with the American Bar Association, presented the 2020 Law Day program titled “Social Movement Changing America: The Legacies of the 19th Amendment.” The event was a moderated panel discussion, with Kimberly Atkins –senior news correspondent, WBUR-Boston and contributor, MSNBC–as the moderator. Panelists included: Martha S. Jones, Society of …
On Thursday, March 19, 2020, the Law Library of Congress, in collaboration with By the People, the Digital Collections and Management Services Division, the Hispanic Division, and the African, Latin American, and Western European Division of the Acquisitions and Bibliographic Access Directorate , held the first ever all-virtual Transcribe-a-thon to celebrate the launch of our new crowdsourcing campaign, Herencia: Centuries …
[Click here for the Spanish version of this post/Haz clic aquí para la versión en español.] On Thursday, March 19, 2020, starting at 8:00 a.m. EDT we will be LIVE in a completely virtual Transcribe-a-thon for our new crowdsourcing campaign, Herencia: Centuries of Spanish Legal Documents. Participants can transcribe, review, and tag documents from our collection of Spanish Legal …
[Haz clic aquí para la versión en inglés/Click here for the English version of this post.] Nos complace presentarles Herencia: Centuries of Spanish Legal Documents, el primer proyecto de crowdsourcing dedicado a documentos en otros idiomas aparte del inglés. La Biblioteca Jurídica del Congreso te invita a ayudarnos a mejorar el acceso a nuestra colección …