The other day, Margaret gave a tour of the Law Library of Congress Reading Room to our new colleague, Tina Gheen. I tagged along and snapped a couple of pictures. I spend so much time looking at digital bills that it was a nice change to see them in other formats. These stacks of legislation are …
The following is a guest post by Margaret Wood, Legal Reference Specialist in our Public Services Division. Margaret has previously posted on the debt ceiling, Law Day, our Reading Room, and the changeover between Congresses. This week we decided to treat you to photographs of the Law Library Reading Room’s pneumatic tubes and the pneumatic tube system. …
Shortly after giving me the THOMAS Memo dated January 10, 1995, Pam showed me a copy of the Library of Congress Information Bulletin that announced THOMAS in a front page story entitled “Congress on the Internet.” I saw this screen shot and thought it would make a perfect Pic of the Week. Note that there was …
This week’s Pic of the Week is from Stephanie Rocío Miles, also known as the Bilingual Librarian. Stephanie recently visited the Law Library of Congress and blogged about her experience. She included several pictures from our bigger than a football field size stacks. She graciously allowed me to use my favorite for today’s Pic of the …
There was some interest on our Facebook page about how the earthquake affected the Law Library of Congress. Thankfully, there wasn’t much damage. I thought a few pictures were in order. One of the first items I came across Wednesday morning was The Constitution and the Supreme Court opened on the floor: There were only …
Sometimes the legislative process is a little more confusing than I’m Just a Bill. As Margaret mentioned in The Curious History of the 2011 Debt Ceiling Legislation earlier this week, sometimes the legislative process takes interesting turns. Christine also blogged about the unique situation of vehicle bills. The poster below details the various status steps …
The following is a guest post by Robert Newlen, the Assistant Law Librarian for Collections, Outreach and Services in the Law Library of Congress. Robert has previously blogged about the Kellogg Biennial Lecture and Souvenirs from Moscow. I was recently in Berlin and explored Humboldt University of Berlin (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), the oldest university in Berlin. The impressive building …
The following is a guest post by Bacilio Mendez II, an intern in the Public Services Division of the Law Library of Congress. Computer hacking has been in the news a bit of late and we here at the Law Library of Congress thought that we would turn this confusing moment in the societal consciousness …
If you want to know how much fun it is to be a part of the In Custodia Legis blog team, take a look at this outtake from Hanibal’s bio picture photo shoot. Hanibal enjoyed contributing guest posts so much (Nigerian Election, No Place Like Home, Interesting Topics, and Women’s Rights in Africa) that he …