This has been a fun week to work at the Law Library of Congress. We hosted the 15th Wickersham Award Ceremony on Monday where the Honorable Justice John Paul Stevens was presented with the award. Our new acquisition, the Casus breves, had its first public viewing. William C. Burton received the first Blackstone Award. I also brushed up …
In this week’s staff interview, Hope O’Keeffe tells us she signed up for the LSAT after taking a class called, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” This inspired me to check the collection for books which may offer advice on becoming a lawyer. Today’s Pic of the Week is a sampling …
I had never really looked at the map in my office until Andrew pointed it out one day. I was surprised at how old it was! And how small the territory of the United States was! I thought I’d share with you images from it. For those that are curious, yes, it appears we all …
The following is a guest post by Robert Newlen, the Assistant Law Librarian for Collections, Outreach and Services in the Law Library of Congress. Last month I spent a week in Russia in my favorite city in the world, Moscow. One of my guilty pleasures while there was roaming the wonderful flea markets on the …
The Library of Congress collects material from all over the world. Sometimes we identify items we would like to have in our collection that are one of a kind or are held by another institution. In these cases, we are often able to photocopy or microfilm the items. Today’s Pic of the Week shows material …
Our collection often surprises me, and this week’s pic is no exception. As I walked by a shelf I had passed many times before, there they were: not one, but two books on dog law. These are just the items in our Reading Room, most of our items you have to request from the stacks. …
Today is the 41st celebration of Earth Day (which I know thanks to a 40th anniversary of Earth Day post by Jennifer from last year). Just like with our Cherry Blossom pic, the picture below was taken by a Library of Congress employee, Chris Carlson. He has a great photo blog. President George Bush said …