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Category: THOMAS

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The Top 18 in 2018

Posted by: Andrew Weber celebrated its sixth birthday this year on September 19.  It has come a long way since the initial beta website, which was launched with filters, the status of legislation tracker, legislative process videos, a mobile friendly responsive design, and member pages.  Those were all items that were not available on the former THOMAS website.  …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

A Interview with Chalonda Newman, Quality Assurance Lead

Posted by: Andrew Weber

Today’s interview is with Chalonda Newman, quality assurance lead for within the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) of the Library of Congress. Describe your background. What is your academic/professional history? I am an information technology specialist with years of experience developing web-based applications for the Library of Congress.  Prior to becoming a software developer, I worked …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

The Top 17 in 2017

Posted by: Andrew Weber

This has been a great year for In 2016 page views jumped more than 20% over 2015.  The jump in 2017 was even bigger, with over 90% more page views than the previous year!  We also saw our first day with more than a million page views.  Our @Congressdotgov Twitter account is closing in on 50,000 …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

The Top 16 in 2016

Posted by: Andrew Weber

This has been an exciting year working on  In April we announced that THOMAS would be retired on July 5, which is when we officially pulled the plug. matured over the year with new advanced ways to search the system and a variety of email alerts for tracking what is happening in Congress. We …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Time to Say Goodbye to THOMAS

Posted by: Andrew Weber

A version of the following article originally appeared in the July 1, 2016, edition of Library of Congress staff newsletter, The Gazette. THOMAS, which launched with great fanfare on January 5, 1995, twenty-one and a half years ago, is nearing its retirement on July 5, 2016.  Back when it launched, then-Librarian of Congress James H. …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

New Enhancements including Advanced Search

Posted by: Andrew Weber

Today continues to be enhanced with the addition of a new Advanced Search Guided Form, a more web-friendly version of the Congressional Record Daily Digest, new and updated browse reports, and more. Since announcing the July 5 retirement of THOMAS, we have added several new RSS feeds and email alerts including saved search email alerts. These …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

New Saved Search Email Alerts on

Posted by: Andrew Weber

After announcing legislation, Members of Congress, and the Congressional Record email alerts last year, I began to see requests for saved search email alerts.  This is a feature that was not available on THOMAS that we are excited to now offer on How do you get the new Saved Search Alerts? Do you have a …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

New Email Alerts and RSS Feeds on

Posted by: Andrew Weber

Last year’s most viewed new post on In Custodia Legis was Legislation Email Alerts on  The email alerts are an excellent addition to the system that allow you to track a specific piece of legislation, what a Member of Congress is sponsoring and cosponsoring, and when the next issue of the Congressional Record is available. Building on those …