Part of our routine at the start of every year is to highlight items that the Law Library of Congress published during the previous year, as well as older publications that were popular with our readers. Kelly recently blogged about the most viewed In Custodia Legis posts for 2017, Andrew gave us top 17 in 2017, and I …
The following is a guest post by Marie-Philippe Lavoie, an intern who worked with Tariq Ahmad in the Global Legal Research Directorate of the Law Library of Congress this summer. The globalization of business has allowed multinational corporations to conduct economic activities that transcend national boundaries. These activities have had both a positive and a negative impact …
Today’s interview is with SooYun Cho, a foreign law intern at the Law Library of Congress. SooYun, who will be going back for her third and last year of law school at the University of Montreal this fall, is currently working with Nicolas Boring on research related to French speaking jurisdictions. Describe your background. I was born …
We recently published a report that surveys laws criminalizing blasphemy, defaming religion, harming religious feelings and other similar acts in seventy-seven jurisdictions around the world. The report includes a map showing the different regions of the world covered in the report. Reports such as this one, which survey a geographically, economically, and politically diverse group of countries, …
Today’s interview is with Cynthia Chen, a foreign law intern currently working with Tariq Ahmad on research related to the laws of Canada. Describe your background. I was born in Regina, Saskatchewan, a city in the west of Canada. I moved to Montreal, Quebec when I was five years old and I have been living …
The following is a guest post by Tariq Ahmad, a foreign law specialist who covers South Asian countries and Canada at the Law Library of Congress. Tariq has previously written for us on a number of issues, including the Library of Congress collection on Islamic Law in Pakistan, sedition law in India, and physician-assisted suicide …
Previously on this blog we have published articles related to developments in the refugee laws of particular countries in response to the current refugee crisis. For example, Elin wrote two posts on the refugee laws of Denmark and Sweden, and Theresa wrote a post on the European Union’s approach to the crisis. There are also …
This week’s interview is with Julia Heron, one of our summer interns in the Global Legal Directorate. You may already know Julia from a post she co-authored for In Custodia Legis, “National Holiday of Quebec: An Introduction to Quebec Dual Legal System.” Describe your background. I was born and raised in Montreal. I recently completed …
The following is a guest post by Tariq Ahmad, a legal analyst in the Global Legal Research Directorate of the Law Library of Congress. Tariq has previously blogged about Islamic Law in Pakistan – Global Legal Collection Highlights, the Law Library’s 2013 Panel Discussion on Islamic Law, Sedition Law in India, and Physician-Assisted Suicide in Canada. …