More and more internet traffic is encrypted. Encryption is a method of protecting electronic information by converting it into an unintelligible form (encoding) so that it can only be decoded with a key. Google stated in its latest transparency report that 85% of requests from around the world to Google’s servers used encrypted connections in …
Seventy years ago – on October 1, 1946 – the Nuremberg trial, one of the most prominent trials of the last century, concluded when the International Military Tribunal (IMT) issued the verdicts for the main war criminals of the Second World War. The IMT sentenced twelve of the defendants to death, seven to terms of …
This is a guest post by Molly O’Casey, foreign law intern in the Global Legal Research Directorate, Law Library of Congress. Molly has recently graduated from a dual law degree (civil law/common law) program between University College Dublin, in Ireland, and Université Paris II Pantheon-Assas, in France. According to statistics published by Eurostat, the European …
Describe your background I am from Germany and grew up in a town called Passau which is located on the outskirts of the Bavarian Forest and is characterized by its university and student life. In 2008, I moved to the German capital Berlin and went to law school at the historic Humboldt University. What is …
The following is a guest post by Felix Beulke, summer intern at the Global Legal Research Directorate, Law Library of Congress. It follows a blog post by Clare Feikert-Ahalt, FALQs: Brexit Referendum. On June 23, 2016 the United Kingdom held a referendum on whether to leave or to remain in the European Union (so called …
Conscription in the German Federal Republic began on July 21, 1956 when the German Compulsory Military Service Act (Wehrpflichtgesetz) entered into force. It lasted for 55 years until, on July 1, 2011, the German Bundestag (parliament) decided to suspend conscription and convert the German Armed Forces into an army of professional and volunteer soldiers. Instead of …
On April 23, 2016, breweries all over Germany and particularly in the Free State of Bavaria will celebrate the 500 year anniversary of the enactment of the Bavarian Reinheitsgebot (beer purity law); a regulation that mandates which ingredients are allowed for the brewing of beer. The Reinheitsgebot is one of the oldest food regulations in …
I recently returned from the annual conference of the International Association of Law Libraries (IALL), which took place in Berlin, Germany from September 20 to September 24, 2015. This year’s conference, “Within and in between: German Legal Tradition in Times of Internationalization and Beyond,” was held at the Berlin State Library (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin), which is …
This blog post is part of our Frequently Asked Legal Questions series. On July 8, 2015, the new Greek Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos submitted a request for a third loan package to the European Stability Mechanism (ESM). The ESM was set up in 2012 as a permanent intergovernmental organization under public international law to issue debt instruments …