Britain’s coalition government announced in September that, pursuant to a pledge in its Programme for Government, it is conducting a review of the U.K.’s extradition arrangements. The review will be led by a retired Law Lord, who presided over the inquiry into the death of Princess Diana, and two independent lawyers with expertise in extradition …
Last week we kicked off our new Pic of the Week series to provide a visual glimpse inside the Law Library of Congress. This week we’re beginning something else new – an interview series – to give you a feel of who works with us. In deciding whom to interview first, there was a clear …
As you might have seen in previous posts on our blog, the Law Library offers a portal of Internet sources of interest to legal researchers called the Guide to Law Online. The Guide is an annotated list to sources of information on government and law freely available online that has been prepared by the Law …
People who try to bring illegal drugs into any country are clearly taking a high risk in order to obtain the returns they seek. In some countries, including a number in Southeast Asia, the stakes are very high indeed, as those caught with drugs may face the death penalty or a considerable number of years …
I just returned from the International Association of Law Libraries annual course on International Legal Information and Law. The title of this year’s course was Dutch Gateways to International Law with three main themes: the broad reach of international law, the evolution of international law with a focus on The Hague as world capital of …
Last week we posted a collection of pre-1923 piracy trials. The immediate response was fun to follow on Twitter. Georgetown Law Library tweeted: Avast me hearties! Read all about pre-1923 pirate trials from @LawLibCongress A recent post on Slaw, a Canadian law blog, by Simon Fodden (the founder of the blog) discussed the collection. …
The Australian federal election is being held on August 21. The current Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, announced the election on July 17, a couple of weeks after she replaced Kevin Rudd as leader of the Labor Party. The (very brief) election campaign is in full swing, with various issues coming to the forefront of the …
Collection Services was fortunate enough to get four summer interns as part of the Library of Congress Junior Fellows Program. For the Law Library, this meant dedicating ten weeks to processing two donated collections: books from the State Department and legal gazettes formerly housed in the United Nation’s Dag Hammarskjöld Library. While both projects were …