The third installment of our Rare Book Video series focuses on an item that is included as an entry in our Piracy Trials collection on–The Arraignment, tryal, and condemnation of Captain William Kidd, for murther and piracy, upon six several indictments, at the Admiralty-Sessions, held by His Majesty’s commission at the Old-Baily, on Thursday …
Today, we return to the Law Library’s vault to explore our collection of rare books and manuscripts. The second installment in our series of rare book videos features the illustrated trial of Rep. Daniel Sickles for shooting Philip Barton Key II, a trial that is often referred to as the trial of the century for the 19th century. …
This video is the first in a series that will take you inside the Law Library’s vault to explore our collection of rare books and manuscripts. The first installment features a Law Library favorite, George Washington’s copy of the Acts of the First Session of the First Congress under the Federal Constitution. Please leave a comment if …
Sunday, February 6, marks the Sámi National Day. The Sámi people are indigenous to Sápmi, an area that spans across northern parts of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia. The holiday inspired me to write a post about the recent return of a Sámi Drum to Norway. Last month, the Danish government transferred the legal ownership …
Today’s follow-up interview is with Robert Brammer. Robert was first interviewed in 2012 when he started at the Law Library of Congress as a legal reference librarian. He is also a blogger for In Custodia Legis, authoring various posts, including: Constitution Day 2020 – “The Bulwark of Freedom”: African-American Members of Congress and the Constitution During …
In December of 2019, the Law Library’s Rare Book Curator Nathan Dorn and I visited the Library of Congress Special Collections Division to take photos of a first printing of the Articles of Confederation for a rare book video we created about the Articles. At the end of the document, we were intrigued to find a …