This week’s interview is with Rick Fitzgerald, a Librarian in the Acquisitions and Bibliographic Access Directorate of the Library of Congress. I grew up in Sparta, New Jersey, and moved to Arizona in 1994, where I lived on and off for nine years. I have also lived overseas for brief periods – in the Netherlands and …
The following is a guest post by Peter Roudik, Director of the Global Legal Research Center and a specialist on the laws of Eastern European and former Soviet Union jurisdictions. In previous posts, my colleagues have discussed different types of laws from various countries. These have included unusual laws, little-known laws, and laws that were …
This is a joint post drafted by Clare Feikert and Margaret Wood. The Global Legal Research Center has done a number of briefings and blogs, as well as too many Global Legal Monitor Articles to list, on electoral law across various jurisdictions around the world. The Russian Federation, Parliamentary Elections: Legal Issues, 2008; Elections in …
Cloning, genetic modification, stem cell research, IVF. I’m sure that you have seen or heard these terms before in the media, which frequently reports on new treatments for various diseases and conditions, women having babies through surrogates (or multiple babies as a result of fertility treatments), and changes to how our food is produced. You …
This week’s interview is with Virab Khachatryan, a Foreign Law Specialist in our Global Legal Research Center covering select jurisdictions in Eastern Europe and Eurasia. Describe your background I was born to a blue-collar family in Yerevan, Armenia, a small, friendly country, located in Eastern Europe. As a child, my parents taught me to …
This week’s interview is with Penelope Fay Heavner, Special Assistant to the Assistant Law Librarian for Collections, Outreach and Services. Penelope, known here as Penny, is a lovely, cheerful lady with British accent and knowledge and experience in many areas including reference librarianship and outreach activities. Describe your background I have lived in Washington, D.C. for so many …
Over a year ago I visited a remarkable country. Rich in history, art, culture and beautiful landscapes, this country has traditionally received foreign aid due to its general low income level but is now providing aid to other countries. I was amazed to see its recent monumental progress in science and technology although it is true …
The following is a guest post by Donna Sokol, Special Assistant to the Law Librarian of Congress. This post is a follow-up piece to Friday’s Pic of the Week. Happy Birthday to us! On July 14, 1832, Congress passed an act that brought the Law Library into existence. To celebrate our 180th anniversary, we saluted …
The top ten most viewed Global Legal Monitor (GLM) articles for June covered a host of interesting legal subjects: Communications and electronic information; criminal law and procedure; elections; immigration; labor; nationality and citizenship; pension and retirement; and war crimes. Below is the list of the ten most popular GLM articles in June: South Korea: Permanent …