We often have the pleasure of working collaboratively with members of other service units throughout the Library of Congress. Today’s interview is with Dan Paterson, Preservation Specialist/Rare Book Conservator in the Preservation Directorate’s Conservation Division at the Library of Congress. We are happy to give the public a brief glimpse into his life and his path toward …
The Law Library of Congress was fortunate to host citizen activist Richard Dreyfuss as our speaker for this year’s Law Day program. Mr. Dreyfuss founded The Dreyfuss Initiative in 2010 with the aim of helping to ensure that today’s children learn how our government works and as adults are prepared to participate in that government. Mr. …
The following is a guest post by Constance A. Johnson, a Legal Research Analyst at the Law Library’s Global Legal Research Center. Connie is not new to In Custodia Legis; her recent contributions include Water Rights at Star Island and Human Rights Day Event: Save the Date!. Enjoy! On Wednesday, March 28, 2012, I attended a two …
Describe your background I was born in Minsk, Belarus, and moved to the United States as a child. I earned my undergraduate degree in Spanish and Continental European Comparative Literature at Boston University. I’ve always loved to read, and wanted to work with books for as long as I can remember. My first dream job …
This week’s interview is with Patrick Brown, Friends of the Law Library of Congress Rare Book Fellow. Patrick previously participated in the Junior Fellows Program at the Library of Congress (Summer 2011) and has returned at the invitation of the Friends of the Law Library to combine work and study as the inaugural participant in …
Because many of my ancestors were jewelers, I have always had a special interest in gemology and jewelry. This month, since garnet is the official birthstone of January, I felt that it was apropos to dedicate some time to this semiprecious stone and mineral. It seems that the American National Association of Jewelers (Jewelers of …
The following is a guest post by Roberta I. Shaffer, Law Librarian of Congress. Roberta has posted to the blog on multiple occasions including: Happy Old Year, The Law Library of Congress Strategic Plan Released, and My Trip to the Future. Another year has passed and I am pleased once again to send you great cheer and …
While packing for my move, I ran across an encyclopedia set that I inherited from my grandmother. With an edition date of 1939, I found many of the entries fascinating, such as “The World War” and “Russia.” I looked under the “Washington, D.C.” entry and loved this picture of the Capitol Complex taken from an airplane. …
This is an interview with Donna L. Sokol, Outreach Specialist at the Law Library of Congress, on a detail assignment from the Visitor Services Office of the Library of Congress. Enjoy! Describe your background I grew up in the United States Air Force and cannot call any city my hometown, but I was lucky to …