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In Custodia Legis Homepage

The Law Library’s New Report on the Regulation of Stem Cell Research

Screenshot from signed Lieber Collection item page that reads “From the Library of G. Norman Lieber.”

An Introduction to the Lieber Collection

This picture shows a German Buamkuchen (tree cake) with one slice cut.

Legal Layers of Delight – The Origins of German “Tree Cake”

The Architect Who Designed the District of Columbia – Pic of the Week

An aerial black and white image of a crowded courtroom with individual in military dress, standing alongside tables with white papers scrattered across.

Bite-Sized Legal Research Tutorial: Military Legal Resources

Mitchell Wing with pillars and staircase.

The State Library of New South Wales – Pic of the Week

A black and white photo of a woman kneeling in front of a large cabinet with small drawers, containing the Library's card catalog

Bite-Sized Legal Research Tutorial: Navigating the Library of Congress Catalog

A color photo of cross-street signs, with the race track in the background. The signs read "Race Track Rd" and "River Run Dr."

An Unexpected Connection: The Bowie Race Track, Gambling, and the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals

Color photograph of the National Mall, facing East towards the U.S. Capitol building. During the day, passersby walk by the squares of the AIDS Memorial Quilt, laid outo n the grass.

World AIDS Day: Legislating AIDS Care in the United States