This week’s interview is with David Mao, Deputy Law Librarian of Congress. Describe your background. I have been the Deputy Law Librarian of Congress since June 2010. I was born in New York City, but raised in New Jersey (about 15 miles from Exit 8). Although I’ve lived in the DC metropolitan area for more …
The following is a guest post by Roberta Shaffer, Law Librarian of Congress. This holiday letter is also available in PDF. With the year drawing to a close, I want to send you my best wishes for the New Year and to provide you with important Law Library of Congress updates as we head into …
This week’s interview is with Kevin Long, Information Technology Specialist in our Information Technology Office. Describe your background I was born and raised in Northwest Washington, DC. I’ve been married to my wife Michell for 18 years. We have two sons. My family and I have been residents of Prince George’s County, MD for over …
After the success of my Guide to Law Online blog post, I decided to draw some attention to other areas of the Law Library’s website that users may not be that familiar with. Current Legal Topics is a guide that provides legal commentary and recommended resources on issues and events with legal significance. New content …
Over the last twelve months, we’ve added over 775 articles to the Global Legal Monitor (GLM). During this period the top article was China: Amendment Seven to Criminal Law Passed. This works out to roughly three new articles every day we are here. The GLM articles are written by a group of about twenty five …
While the Law Library does employ a number of legal reference librarians as well as collections staff and other people that work with our huge book stacks (approximately two American football fields under our building!), there are quite a few of us that don’t have a background in library or information sciences (although I did work at …
In Custodia Legis is Latin for “in the custody of the law,” a nod to the fact that the Law Library of Congress is a custodian of law and legislation for both the nation and the world. Our team of bloggers covers current legal trends, developments and enhancements to, issues in collecting for the …