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Search results for: Germany

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Recent Law Library of Congress Report on National Funding of Road Infrastructure

Posted by: Ruth Levush

According to a June 2014 report by the United States Congressional Budget Office (CBO), most of the annual spending by the federal government on surface transportation programs is in the form of grants to state and local governments. These grants are primarily financed through the federal Highway Trust Fund (HTF). After decades of stable balances to …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Mexico’s Constitution and Its Square, the Zócalo

Posted by: Francisco Macías

Today, I return to blogging for In Custodia Legis after a considerable hiatus.  That gap came from being involved in other projects, among these the Library of Congress Leadership Development Program and the coordination of the Library’s recent Celebration of Mexico and tribute to the Living Legend Award Winner, Dr. Miguel León–Portilla. In keeping with Mexican and Spanish …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Law Relating to Refugee Rights – Global Legal Collection Highlights

Posted by: Kelly Buchanan

The following is a guest post by Connie Johnson, a senior legal information analyst at the Law Library of Congress.  It is part of our Global Legal Collection Highlights series, in which we publish posts about materials in the Law Library’s collection related to particular topics or jurisdictions. December 10 was international Human Rights Day.  …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Law Library Reports Roundup: 2013

Posted by: Hanibal Goitom

During the month of December we often think back and take stock of events, debates, challenges, and achievements of the past year.  This year, various issues have received national attention, including debates on immigration reform, gun control, and issues relating to the handling of sexual offenses in the military. Here at the Law Library of …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Report on the Adjudication of Sexual Offenses in Foreign Military Justice Systems

Posted by: Ruth Levush

The handling and adjudication of sexual offenses in the military have drawn much public and Congressional interest in recent months following the disclosure of several high profile cases involving allegations of sexual assault by U.S. service members.  Several proposals for reforming the way such allegations are handled within the U.S. military justice system have been …

Ornate red and ivory wall decoration, with plaque and symbols

Armistice Day/Veterans Day

Posted by: Margaret Wood

As a student of history, I often wonder how many people understand the significance of the date of Veterans Day and why it is always celebrated on the day of the holiday and not, like Labor Day or Memorial Day, observed on a Monday.  The holiday began originally as a commemoration associated with World War I …