Our upcoming webinars in July include an Orientation to Legal Research Webinar focusing on Federal Legislative History, and an Orientation to Law Library Collections, featuring a guest appearance by the Virginia state law library.
In Washington, D.C., we will be springing forward into daylight saving time in March. Celebrate the time change by attending one of our webinars from our recurring series of classes regarding U.S. legal research, with our orientation to legal research webinar focusing on federal legislative history. In our orientation to law library collections webinar, we …
February is known for Valentine’s Day and Washington’s Birthday. If you have some time between crafting cards for loved ones and learning about America’s presidents, we recommend attending some of our upcoming webinars. In February, our slate of webinars includes two presentations on American legal resources: one on navigating Congress.gov and the other on federal …
As we ring in 2023, the Law Library is excited to welcome researchers back to our webinar series on U.S. legal research. Our first class of the new year will provide an overview of U.S. case law research. The second webinar will be an orientation to the collections of the Law Library, with a focus …
In December, as the Law Library’s 2022 schedule of U.S. law webinars comes to a close, the Public Services Division will present a webinar on federal administrative law. More details about the class are provided below. Be sure to keep an eye out on the blog, the Legal Research Institute, and the Law Library’s social …
This November, our Orientation to Law Library Collections webinar will feature a special appearance by the staff of the Witkin State Law Library, California State Library as part of our state law libraries outreach project. The purpose of the state law libraries outreach project is to strengthen the ties between the Law Library of Congress …