It is the time of the month again when I tell you what the hot topics were on the Law Library‘s Global Legal Monitor (GLM). We debuted this series in December 2011 with highlights of the top ten most viewed GLM articles from November. Below is a list of ten Global Legal Monitor articles with …
As mentioned in previous posts by my colleagues Andrew and Kelly, the Law Library of Congress has an online publication called the Global Legal Monitor (GLM) featuring summaries of legal developments from around the world. It is a go-to page for information on what courts and parliaments in foreign countries are doing and emerging legal …
This is an interview with Donna L. Sokol, Outreach Specialist at the Law Library of Congress, on a detail assignment from the Visitor Services Office of the Library of Congress. Enjoy! Describe your background I grew up in the United States Air Force and cannot call any city my hometown, but I was lucky to …