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In Custodia Legis Homepage

The Haudenosaunee Confederacy and the Constitution

A photo of Legal Research Fellow Louis Gilbert outside the Library of Congress Madison Building

An Interview with Louis Gilbert, Legal Research Fellow

African men crowded onto a lower deck; African women crowded on an upper deck.

Key West Slave Ship Seizures and the Slave Trade in 19th Century Florida

A screen shot of the API for committee meeting information

An Update on the API

General Francis Barlow profile photo

On the Trail of Francis Channing Barlow: Military Prodigy and Legal Warrior Against Corruption.

A photo of Yuechao Nie

An Interview with Yuechao Nie, Foreign Law Intern

A graphic drawing of a gigantic bundle of grapes taking up an entire railroad car, with a group of farmers, horses, and a field in the background.

Sea Cellars and Wine Sellers: Legal Issues in the Underwater Wine-Aging Industry

Watch a Recording of our Conversation with Robert Putnam and Shaylyn Romney Garrett

Flyer announcing upcoming foreign law webinar on Israel's Legal Reforms created by Taylor Gulatsi.

Join Us on 9/28 for a Foreign and Comparative Law Webinar on Israel’s Legal Reforms